I Hate America’s Pure Unadulterated Stupidity!

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump once stated explicitly that he believes that it was Ukraine — not Russia — that meddled in the 2016 election because Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘told me,’ The Washington Post reported Thursday, citing a former senior White House official.” This is what a stupid America looks like. This is what a bunch of m*****f***ing G.D. stupid traitor trump supporters of the highest f***ing order looks like. They elect a moron show-business personality who then cuddles up to a Russian dictator while dismissing, criticizing, and downright attacking U.S. institutions as being “deep state.” What is the collective response of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons? They all take the side of traitor trump and Putin. Yup, un-f***ing-believable! Only in trump stupid America do citizens favor Russia and a traitor over the Constitution. Every RepubliKKKlan — without exception — and every MAGA moron — without exception — is a traitor and should be shot — without exception! Einsatzgruppen-style! Now ask me how I really feel.