MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Hate MAGA Morons Because They’re Just So F***ing Stupid

Axios reports, “Brad P., a 40-year-old Trump voter, summed it up as ‘a never-ending drama, that ‘shows to me these people are completely out of touch with everyday Americans’ lives.’” OMG! I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take this stupidity anymore! Let me see if I can understand the “thinking” of a 60 IQ traitor trump supporter. Brad P. is concerned about the never-ending drama that seems to be the fault of the Democrats? What the m*****f***ing hell? Democrats are the cause of drama? I guess Brad P. really is a MAGA moron since he seems to believe that traitor trump is drama-free. F*** me! His entire presidency has been one drama-filled reality show! This is what a stupid country looks like. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Wait! There is more! Another 60 IQ supporter said, “‘They [Democrats] need to focus on the real issues,’ said Judy D., a 60-year-old Trump voter. ‘[Nancy] Pelosi hates him so bad, I just think she needs to drop it and worry about the country.’” What! The! F***! “Focus on the real issues?” OMG! ABC reports, “So far this year, more than 100 bills have passed the House but have not made it through the Senate or onto the president’s desk, including a voters’ rights billa climate bill, and the Equality Act. … Approximately 20 bills have passed in the Senate and have not yet made it through the House, including the recently passed bill to stop robocalls. [Emphasis added].” Even in absolute terms of numbers, it looks like the House is trying to do more to govern than the RepubliKKKlan controlled Senate, and this doesn’t even consider that RepubliKKKlans tend to pass bills which benefit the rich and big business at the expense of the middle class. I’m sure more important to the trump-loving idiot Judy D. is that the House has also passed a bill to help control drug prices. This was back in May 2019. So, it is the Senate that holds up this issue, which I have no doubt is very concerning to the no doubt diabetic Judy D. I always assume that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are those people who take “responsibility” for themselves by living poorly and then we have to pick up their medical bills for preventable diseases like diabetes via the socialist program Medicare! A program they love even though it is socialism. I can’t! So much f***ing stupidy and hypocrisy! I swear to f***ing God MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans should living according to their votes, which means no f***ing socialist programs like Medicare for them. That would probably be the easiest and quickest way to cull RepubliKKKlan votes! I’m all for that!

Welcome to trump stupid America where idiots still think traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans actually care about them. It’s always the same level of stupid!