I Hate Stupid People — So 44% of America

From CNN, “A Thursday panel on Fox News’ morning show ‘Fox & Friends’ decried Trump’s exclusion, calling it an example of ‘censorship’ and anti-Trump ‘derangement.’ Donald Trump Jr. later tweeted an article that called the omission ‘pathetic. ’ … The CBC edited out multiple scenes from ‘Home Alone 2′ to shorten the two-hour movie for television — eight minutes in all, the CBC says. The CBC’s deletion of scenes entirely unrelated to Trump is confirmed by a search of viewers’ complaint tweets. Trump was not cut as Canadian retribution for his policies in office: He has been omitted from the CBC version since at least 2015, the earliest we could find viewers tweeting about the deletion. CBC says it actually cut the Trump cameo in 2014, before Trump launched his presidential campaign in June 2015.”

This is the relentless level of fake outrage and American stupidity that I must endure on a daily basis. How do MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans manage to function from day to day? F*** me! The Nazis had a solution for this level of stupidity: Tiergartenstraße 4. So, clearly 44% of Americans belong in this program because — yeah. Welcome to trump stupid America!