I Hope He Was a MAGA Moron

According to CNN, “A Southern California man who tested positive for coronavirus after attending a party expressed his fear and regret a day before he died.” If he was a traitor trump supporter, then I say good! He deserved to die and I’m glad he won’t be able to vote come November. If he was a Democrat, then it is a shame. Yeah! It’s that simple! Naturally, these articles never determine how such people voted as if it is not german to the story. F*** that! How a person voted is specifically relevant to the story. I am sick of being nice. Forgiving. Understanding. Sympathetic. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals do not — under any circumstances — deserve any compassion; they only warrant hatred and derision. I’m sick of these f***tards going around with their pandemic hoax and anti-mask beliefs because they think their freedom is more important than thy neighbor. Always very Christian of them — Me! Me! Me! F*** them! I only hope more MAGA morons die before they can vote for traitor trump. Conservatives always b*tch about people taking responsibility for their actions! Yes, indeed. Hopefully, death is the ultimate consequence of their responsibility!

Once again. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that no one will take this pandemic seriously until people are dying in the streets. Literally, that’s what it will take. Mark my words, morons! Until and unless hospital systems collapse so that people are dying in the streets because they cannot get treated for SARS 2 or any other medical emergency then people are just going to go about their selfish business such as going to a bar or a restaurant — those very critical, life-sustaining activities. No, matter. As long as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons cheerlead the line that everything is improving then nothing will change. Welcome to trump stupid America. Always as dumb as one imagined — and worse!