I Hope Traitor [T]rump Supporters Die

Slate reports, “Around the world, leaders and health authorities were struggling to try to get a handle on the rapidly spreading coronavirus. But in the United States, President Donald Trump seems to have thought it would be a great time to hit the links with professional baseball players. On Sunday, the commander in chief played golf with current and former Washington Nationals players at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach.” Of course, he was. Clearly, he doesn’t care about Americans, which includes his supporters, so why should I? This entire COVIN-19 catastrophe is just a hoax, right? I mean that’s what his f***tard supporters think. I hope they all die! Make America great again, one dead MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil Evangelical at a time. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Oh, and this: “Trump repeatedly criticized Obama, claiming the then-president played golf instead of dealing with some of the critical issues facing the country at the time. And in 2014, Trump criticized Obama for golfing during the Ebola outbreak.” There is never a shortage of RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy. I hate this country; it’s just a bunch of f***ing G.D. morons who elected another f***tard to be their president. F*** me! Welcome to the dumbest country on the planet. All stupid all the time. Everyday all day!