I Just Love Chauncey DeVega

He writes in Salon, “Democrats are being encircled by a radicalized Republican Party increasingly committed to fascism. Instead of organizing their forces and launching a coordinated counterattack, the Democrats are fighting many battles at once — and losing most of them. … The Republican fascists and larger ‘conservative’ movement are continuing their ‘culture war’ attacks. Their newest weapon is the right-wing moral panic about ‘critical race theory,’ against which Democrats have been largely defenseless. … The Republican fascist movement is successfully attacking truth and reality, and once again, liberals and progressives have no remotely equivalent propaganda machine. … Instead of leading a counterattack and rallying his supporters, Joe Biden has sought consensus. This may be a historically dreadful decision. … As shown by their behavior and language, Republicans and their supporters are prepared to fight a life-and-death battle to end multiracial democracy in America. In response, Democrats are giving stern lectures about proper comportment and the importance of so-called democratic institutions. It would be laughable if it were not tragic. … Democrats and many of their supporters, along with the mainstream news media, consistently underestimate the extreme danger to American society posed by right-wing militias and the larger ‘Patriot’ movement. … Liberal Democrats in particular are extremely invested in presenting an image of, ‘We’re going to just keep going on. Everything’s just going to keep working the way it always has.’ I’m here to tell you that normal is gone and it is not coming back for a really long time. And it will not come back until we recognize that we have this powerful force attacking our democratic institutions and basically the heart of what America is. We can’t fight it if we don’t recognize it. … I am of the mind that that [sic] there has to be some kind of world-shaking tragedy for the American people to wake up. Even then I am not sure such a horrible thing would be enough to wake people up. Here in this country we have developed an incredible reflex for normalizing the crises and dangers.”

DeVega is one of the few progressive writers who actually gets it! I quoted only a small portion of a much lengthier article, but I encourage you to read it in its entirety. No truer words have ever been written. He actually understands the threats to America’s democracy which includes Democrats’ incompetence. And he understands how dumbass Democrats are just as much of a menace as RepubliKKKlans because they are blind to the conservatism scourge killing (literally and not) America. I especially appreciated how he called out progressives for expecting a return to normal. Again, a state of affairs I have long said is never going to happen; normal is gone for good. But leave it to dumbass Democrats to be thinking about yester-year while RepubliKKKlans plan for the future — an America without a democracy. Needless to say, we are f***ed! Americans are too stupid. Dumbass Democrats are too clueless and too weak. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too strong and relentless. Oh, well! I’ve been saying it for several months now, but it is the countdown to the end of democracy for these reasons. Mark my words, f***tards! Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!