MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Keep Telling You F***tards!

From The Hill, “Some of the smartest minds in Democratic politics see warning signs for their party even as they celebrate President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Trump. While Biden’s advantage in the popular vote this year is nearing 6 million, some liberal political experts are disconcerted by demographic trends that they say look unexpectedly difficult for their party. Two in particular come up over and over again: A weaker than expected performance among Latino voters this year, and continued GOP strength among white voters who don’t have a college education.” How many times have I said it? How many times?!?! Demographics are not going to save the m*****f***ing G.D. Democratic Party! F*** me!

Allow me to focus on one point from the above quote, namely whites without a college degree. (And I’m not counting Associate’s degree because attaining that level of education is garbage; it is a worthless degree and really only indicates one was unable to achieve a Bachelor’s because the first two years were difficult enough — means and opportunity challenged individuals excluded.) The table below indicates 67 percent of the population (aged 25+) is white non-college-educated. So, the vast majority of the largest race segment of the American population are uneducated morons, perhaps with a few exceptions! And people wonder how and why traitor trump won in the first place and remains the most popular RepubliKKKlan in American history! It’s the stupid, stupid! And don’t get me started on college “educated” people who support traitor trump. Clearly, such individuals did not get an education, especially in the skill of critical thinking. I assume they faked and lied their way through college. What do you call someone who graduated at the bottom of their class from medical school? Doctor! Enough said!

Source: U.S. Census

Look, morons! How many f***ing times must I point out the obvious? Choosing to join or support a political ethos (party) is not the same as being born black or white or male or female. Discriminating based on inherent, superficial traitors is wrong — of course. But discriminating and deriding and ostracizing (and even worse) against people who choose to associate and comport their behavior with a vile political party — RepubliKKKlan — is fair f***ing game. No! In fact, it is required. It is necessary to root out the vileness and stupidity in society. I’m done with trying to get along or understand or compromise; traitor trump and his ilk have shown none of that over the last four years. I’m done with trying to be nice and to turn the other cheek for the sake of civility and in the name of moving on! F*** that! All RepubliKKKlans want to do is destroy, destroy, destroy. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons must be driven from society. Preferably, they are eliminated or sent to concentration camps to complete “re-education” that they will never finish! Welcome to stupid America! It’s 134 proof stupid!