I Live in Stupid Hell!

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump expanded his extraordinary efforts to overturn the election Saturday, attempting to pressure Georgia’s governor to force a special session of the legislature to change the result, while using an evening rally for two GOP Senate candidates to rant about his own grievances and thrash Republican leaders who have not done his bidding. It was more evidence that the President will spend the remaining days of his presidency ignoring the deadly course of the pandemic, spreading falsehoods that amount to an attack on democracy and nursing his own grudges even if that works against the interests of his own party.” Of course, he did.

Not only is America filled with a bunch of f***tards, but it is the world’s capital of m*****f***ing G.D. whiny b*tchy grievance-driven sore losers. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! Only in America is half the country enamored by a president that just f***ing complains and b*tches about everything, especially about how the world is so unfair to him. Boo-f***ing-hoo! Un-f***ing-believable! I thought the RepubliKKKlan Party was the party of taking personal responsibility and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps in the face of adversity. Ha! It has never been any of these things. It’s always been the party of “woe is me” and victimization. RepubliKKKlans are always the victim of apparently their own whiteness. F*** me. I can’t anymore. When Hillary lost to traitor trump, I wasn’t in denial or a sore loser nor did I claim conspiracy theories of fraud. I recognized and accepted the results of the election for precisely what it was — a country of f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order elected the dumbest and most incompetent person ever to be the president because traitor trump exactly reflects the level of America’s stupidity and laziness. It was the lazy and apathetic “voter” that just couldn’t be bothered to come out for Hillary combined with the other set of morons who did vote for traitor trump that got him elected. It is a miracle of God that such apathy was not repeated in 2020. I was convinced 2016 would repeat itself. How many times must I repeat myself? At its core, America is really not smart enough for Democracy to endure, and it is amazing we’ve lasted this long! If traitor trump has taught RepubliKKKlans anything is that America’s democracy can be co-opted; traitor trump was simply too incompetent to realize the full potential of a president to kill our democracy. Trust me when I say more competent authoritarian anti-democratic RepubliKKKlans have been paying close attention. They will make sure democracy dies in the future, for they understand dumbass Democrats are feckless to stop them. Mark my words, idiots! Traitor trump led the way and primed the pump; RepubliKKKlans will follow through until the end of democracy comes to fruition.

Nonetheless, traitor trump’s ranting and rallies will not benefit dumbass Democrats in Georgia’s January runoff because no matter what the Idiot-in-Chief says, mainstream RepubliKKKlans will come out to vote while dumbass Democrats can’t be bothered to vote — God forbid! — twice in two months! Whatever! Mark my words, morons! Get ready for four years of government gridlock and traitor trump being a shadow president who will never give up the spotlight and the MSM will eagerly oblige in covering him because that’s what Americans love to see — the daily carnage and shiny object. That collective sigh of relief after Biden’s win is coming from only half the country. The other half still wants to watch the daily reality show that is traitor trump! F*** me! Welcome to stupid America. To be sure, dumber tomorrow than today!