I Love Her, Yet…

From Mother Jones, “Harris, the first-ever African American and Asian American woman on a major party ticket, devoted a sizable portion of her remarks to denigrating Trump’s response to the pandemic. She slammed Trump’s ‘delusional belief that he knows better than the experts’ and blamed him for ruining America’s global reputation. ‘Like everything else he inherited, he ran it straight into the ground,’ she said, reminding voters that they ‘don’t have to accept the failed government’ that Trump has led [emphasis added].”

I love her because she says plainly what I have been saying for years! If only what she said would penetrate the deep, dark heart of stupid America. I doubt it will because I still watch traitor trump supporters on the news during one of those “where do trump voters stand with the 2020 election?” follow-up segments, and invariably there are supporters who say they will vote for him again because they still believe he’s a genius businessman. Un-f***ing-believable. F***! My head explodes every f***ing time! I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America hell. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. I hate this country’s stupidity. It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time. There is no f***ing end to it. People are dumber today than they were yesterday. Still, I ask: how many f***ing traitor trump bankruptcies does it take to convince these MAGA morons that he is not a genius businessman? How many failures does it take? Of course, these same MAGA morons think that since he was on TV and has his name on buildings and properties — most of which he does not actually own — he is somehow a genius dealmaker and billionaire. Traitor trump is none of these things. But whatever! One cannot argue with stupid and that’s all I’m surrounded by is stupid. Why even bother at this point? Seriously!?!? America is simply too far gone. People who think trumpism will be gone when he leaves office are f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. The f***tards of America allowed this disease to fester and now it is impossible to cure without another Civil War, and I mean that literally — the real definition of literally, not the literally defined by illiterates and idiots (literary greats excepted) who by their constant misuse have helped to redefine the word. But I digress.

The worst health crisis in American history. The worst economic downturn in American history. He has failed at controlling and mitigating SARS 2 in America. Yet traitor trump’s job approval rating is still above 40 percent. We’re f***ed! I keep telling all the idiots out there that we are f***ing trapped in this nightmare, which Democrats and progressives seem to think the next election is going to fix. It! Will! Not! I’ve said it a hundred times before and I’ll say it again: traitor trump can win with 40 percent approval especially if he cheats, which he signals daily. Yet, Americans are not protesting in the streets. It is more of the same old apathy and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s about to get much, much worse. Americans are going to have a very rude awakening after the election, and it will all be too f***ing late at that point. Mark my words, morons!