Let’s not overthink this, f***tards! Of course, Prigozhin was assassinated. And, of course, Putin ordered it. I was wondering what took him so long. In fact, everything I predicted has come to pass in the aftermath of the Prigozhin mutiny. I predicted that Prigozhin was a dead man walking, which, to be fair, was not a big stretch of the imagination. I also predicted Putin would take the failed insurrection as an opportunity to clean house, and he has. Generals leading the war against Ukraine and political opponents critical of the war have been replaced, arrested, or died. Again, it is not a huge visionary leap to predict. And I also predicted the Wagner Group would become defunct. And now that Prigozhin and the whole top brass of the paramilitary group have been wiped out, the fighters who were once part of Wagner are now leaderless. What soldiers the Russian military has not already absorbed into their ranks will surely be now. Thus, Putin eliminated an army that became too powerful and clearly uncontrollable, threatening his power. He won’t make that mistake again.
Last, I predicted that Putin would only become stronger, and that turned out to be the case. Because, of course! I’m not sure how or why such Russian “experts” on MSM kept predicting that the failed mutiny against Putin was actually an indication of his weakness or presaged his imminent downfall. Do these “experts” actually know anything at all? What f***ing morons. One needs only to have a cursory understanding of recent history to apprehend that situations like this are perfect opportunities for dictators to seize more power. Whatever! I’m not a rocket scientist, but even I saw this coming from a mile away. Putin is a textbook dictator, so expect textbook responses instead of pie-in-the-sky notions of the end of the Russian Federation. And I’m not a Russian expert, but seriously. Kill me now with experts’ stupidity. I swear, they just say sh*t to get on T.V. Welcome to stupid America.