‘I Screwed Up’

From Axios, “‘Boy, did we screw up. What a mess!’ Koch writes. ‘[P]artisan politics prevented us from achieving the thing that motivated us to get involved in politics in the first place — helping people by removing barriers. … I was slow to react to this fact, letting us head down the wrong road for the better part of a decade.’ … And yet, the spending continues. Americans for Prosperity Action, the Koch network’s super PAC, is pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into Georgia, where twin Senate runoffs Jan. 5 will determine control of the U.S. Senate.”

That’s all he has to say for himself? He screwed up!?!? Un-f***ing-believable. Talk about people who just can’t f***ing die soon enough! What the f*** did he think would happen by feeding the RepubliKKKlan partisan political machine billions of dollars under the guise of empowering personal responsibility, removing protective barriers (aka laws and social norms), advancing that American “entrepreneurial” drive (destroyers, not builders), and promoting “free” (more like consequence-free) speech? All of which is just code for allowing people to believe that they can do whatever the f*** they want while promoting the misguided belief that the “free” (rigged) market will inherently bring balance to systems when, in fact, a “free” market only destroys equitable opportunities and exacerbates the problems between the “haves” and the “have-nots.” It’s all code for promoting predatory capitalism in the name of “prosperity,” and the Koch brothers have always promoted this movement that disadvantages the working class: undermining labor rights, ignoring or working against climate change, advancing laws and regulations that hold corporations blameless, etc. It’s all code for living by no common rules, only the rule of personal responsibility, which is all f***ing B.S. because at some point the desire for such “self” power, “self” rule engenders an imbalance in the collective “personal responsibility” whereby corporations — “Corporations are people, my friend” — are allowed to be held completely unaccountable as they create and control the rules of the road — the laws — that only benefit themselves and actively disadvantage others; there is no such thing as the “free market.” Naturally, when a nation of individuals believes in such unregulated “self” rule then society has no problem with corporations being held to the same destructive lower standard of “self” accountability as people, my friend! It’s called deregulation and conflict-of-interest self-dealings sanctioned by illiberal (RepubliKKKlan) governments and states. Look where America is as a result.

Going down the “wrong road” for a decade, he opines?!?! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore. Sorry, a**hole, but saying you were wrong just doesn’t cut it for a generation’s worth — yeah, it’s not a decade going down the wrong road, moron; it’s more like twenty years — of purposeful political and capitalistic destruction! Whatever! He’s still giving to RepubliKKKlan causes, so apparently, he’s learned nothing or really doesn’t care about going down the wrong road or both. (It’s both.) Welcome to stupid America. The damage is done and probably irreversible. Dear Charles Koch, you can go die now! You’ve done enough already in helping to “build” the America of today, everything from the rise of QAnon to institutional racism. No family has done more to destroy America in the 21st century! “Americans for prosperity!” F*** me!