
I Told You So, F***tards!

How many times did I say it? How many f***ing times? You, stupid, stupid, stupid people. I told you that Americans are simply too f***ing stupid to keep their f***ing democracy. Americans don’t want democracy; they want fascism, just like half the world does. Abortion rights were never going to save this election for Democrats because, once again, abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. Always! Always! Always! How many f***ing times have I said this? How many f***ing times? So many times that I’m sick of screaming it into the void! And women were never going to save democracy. America is too misogynistic and racist to elect a woman, sadly. Hate and fear always win over hope and joy. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! What part of this do you morons not understand?!?! And lest we forget the well-worn adage: It’s the economy, stupid! Always and forever! Furthermore, RepubliKKKlans actually understand that it is better to be strong and wrong than weak and right. And, of course, this is who we are! We are a racist country that hates women in power and the “other” more generally. All these things (and more) I’ve been saying and warning about for years, but no one believed me! I hate to say I told you so, but I did — often and repeatedly. I understand this country. I’ve lived in it long enough, and we consistently take one step forward and two steps back like clockwork. It never f***ing fails! But this, my f***tards, this is two steps back from which we will never recover.

So, get ready, you f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. You guys just killed your own democracy, and you’re not going to get it back. The end is here, and we’re just getting started with the hatred! The Democratic Party is in shambles and will be entirely incapable of fighting back against RepubliKKKlans. Mark my words and mark them well! I was right to warn you idiots about dictator don starting two years ago, and I will be right about America becoming a fascist country. However, there is one prediction I got wrong; it looks like Harris will not win the popular vote — incomprehensibly — and this only strengthens MAGA world’s resolve. So, America is royally screwed because now dictator don is going to rightly claim he has a mandate. To be sure, a convicted criminal is going to win in an electoral landslide when all is said and done. I hate to break it to you, but that’s what this election was — a red tsunami! Christ! America is f***ed, and maybe we don’t deserve to keep our democracy. We did this to ourselves.

A second dictator don term is going to be just as bad as you think it will be. (Well, I mean for those paying attention, for clearly, the hoards of morons that voted for him are clueless.) I promise the next four years will be a disaster! And no one in this sh*t-for-brains country f***ing cares! No one! Because everyone always thinks dictator don’s threats and hateful vision of America don’t apply to them. They’re in for a rude awakening. America f***ed around is about to find out. Oh, well. Americans get the government they deserve and desire! Welcome to stupid America, the dumbest place on the planet. Next stop: Civil War II. Mark my words! I guess I’ll be using this blog to chronicle the demise of American democracy and the rise of American fascism. And, finally, may you live in interesting times! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯