
I was 75% Right!

From The Wrap, “MSNBC reporter Ali Vitali dubbed Mike Johnson ‘Jim Jordan with a jacket and a smile’ after the ultraconservative Louisiana Republican was elected Speaker of the House on Wednesday.” And then there is more from The Washington Post, “If you are feeling any sense of relief that Jim Jordan won’t be the next House speaker, stop and worry again. The new speaker, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), might be more dangerous than the firebrand Ohio Republican. For Jordan’s shirt sleeves demeanor and wrestler’s pugnacity, substitute a bespectacled, low-key presentation, a law degree and an unswerving commitment to conservative dogma and former president Donald Trump. This is not an upgrade. It is Jordan in a more palatable package — evidently smoother, seemingly smarter and, therefore, potentially more effective. … Running for Congress in 2016, [Johnson] described himself as ‘a Christian, a husband, a father, a lifelong conservative, constitutional law attorney and a small business owner in that order, and I think that order is important.’ Johnson said he had been called to legal ministry and I’ve been out on the front lines of the ‘culture war’ defending religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and biblical values, including the defense of traditional marriage, and other ideals like these when they’ve been under assault.’”

I had initially predicted that Jordan would get the speakership. Allow myself to quote myself, “Of course, Jim Jordan will become speaker of the House. What part of the RepubliKKKlan Party evinces that they’re not crazy? … And do not believe these ‘holdouts’ or never-Jordan folks. They don’t exist. They never existed, just like never-trumpers don’t exist. … [B]ecause these so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans are morons and easily duped. They all fall in line eventually. … RepubliKKKlan dysfunction is actually ensuring that they elect the most extreme speaker. They understand that they can’t proceed any longer without a leader, so they will select Jordan to end the impasse just for the sake of moving on. … Electing pro-insurrectionist Jordan will be yet one more step to advancing the end of our democracy because no one f***ing cares. F***tards of America keep electing morons to office, and this is precisely the outcome: A RepubliKKKlan Party that can’t govern, doesn’t want to govern, and only cares about destroying the government.”

So, I got the name wrong, but the core of Johnson’s beliefs are just as dangerous (more so, actually) than Jordan’s. I also accurately predicted that the “moderates” would all fall in line to elect the most extreme speaker. And right on cue, that is precisely what they did. Nay, RepubliKKKlans went further. They elected a theocrat as speaker! Because, of course, they did! This is just one more step to Christians ruling the country! Theocracy-loving justices dominate SCOTUS, so they will ensure the most conservative and Christian-based laws are upheld. Make no mistake, f***tards. MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are gaining more power! And make no mistake, Matt Gaetz was absolutely correct when he said MAGA is ascending. The person second in line to the presidency is vehemently anti-gay (he literally wants to criminalize being gay), anti-abortion, pro-white Christian nationalist, pro-misogynist, and anti-democracy. Never mind that he has virtually no experience in government. But whatever. F***tards all across this benighted country elected the least experienced person in the history of America to be president — traitor trump.

And do not be fooled by Johnson’s speeches or his demeanor. He may come off as a mild-manured guy who loves everybody and wants to do his best for most Americans. Don’t be fooled! He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In his mind, the “majority” of Americans are only white, straight, cis Christian males and nobody else. Ignore what he says if he comes off as bi-partisan or reasonable, for he is lying simply to deceive — as all Christians do; they lie and beguile as easily and as frequently as breathing. Instead, watch his actions! And do not be comforted and sanguine by the fact that Democrats control the Senate and the White House, so no extreme legislation under Johnson will make it into law. That is beside the point, for at this stage of the game, whatever bill Johnson puts on the House floor to be voted on is only intended for signaling. That is to say, show voters where he (and RepubliKKKlans) want the country to go in the future if they should gain total control. This excites the base and engenders them to get out the vote, while dumbass Democrats continue in their obliviousness and apathy, blindly believing that America can’t go backward. How foolish these ignoramuses! So, when Johnson puts a bill on the floor to undo marriage equality — whether it passes or not — the purpose has already been fulfilled by telling the country that gay rights are the new target. This is but one example. He’ll do the same to single RepubliKKKlans’ intentions to ban abortions nationwide, which will go unnoticed by voters because, of course, it will. He might introduce a 15-week abortion ban bill, which may sound reasonable and innocuous, but these are the emerging baby steps to lull people into not caring or to miss RepubliKKKlans’ larger goal. This is how they won SCOTUS to overturn Roe. Do you think idiot Americans will learn? Never! Not to mention — as I have repeatedly said — abortion rights are always someone else’s problem, so these subtle, failed moves to ban abortions are overlooked by voters. Mark my words! Mark them well!

Let me end with a finer point that I promise this sh*t-for-brains country has yet to apprehend. Johnson is an election denier, and now he leads the House. So, game this scenario out. Biden wins in 2024, and RepubliKKKlans retain the majority in the House. Do you know who certifies the presidential election? (I know this might be too much civics learning for the vast majority of morons of Americans.) It would be the election-denying Johnson who leads the certification. How do you think that will end? What could possibly go wrong with Johnson in control?!?! Do you think he would allow the House to certify Biden’s second win when he specifically voted against Biden’s first election win? I’m f***ing telling you that all the pieces are falling into place for traitor trump to return to the White House by hook or by crook. And guess what? No one f***ing cares. This is where the country is headed, being led by a minority of the population who will steal the next election, and no one f***ing cares. I’m telling you f***tards, the end is coming — if not already here. And Americans don’t care because people are just too f***ing stupid to care. No one is paying attention — everyone go back to your TikTok. Again, this is what a dying nation looks like, morons. How many times must I say it? You’ve been warned! Welcome to stupid America. I give up.