I Was Right, Again

Source: Politico

Looking back at one of my original posts on SARS 2, I thought that I may have prematurely impugned the eating habits of Chinese for their desire to put Scheiße in their mouths that they shouldn’t be. Now, as it turns out, I was right the whole f***ing time as the Chinese, themselves, are reminding citizens not to put Scheiße in their mouths that they shouldn’t be. Case closed. Dear humanity: keep the f***ing crazy out of your f***ing G.D. mouths! That goes for southern white trash MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans that think roadkill — such as opossum, squirrel, and the like — is a free meal.

If the animal has not been domesticated or fished for the last 6,000 years then don’t f***ing eat it! OMG! I live in stupid humanity hell!