I was wrong, and I’ve been wrong! I’ve been saying the end is coming for the last couple of years when, in fact, the end is already here. I’ve been warning that Biden is merely the intermission before America enters the final stages of its democracy when, in fact, we’ve already lost our democracy. We lost our democracy the second this sh*t-for-brains country of voters elected traitor trump in the first place. Why I believed that a country so f***ing G.D. stupid could have redeemed itself after voters demonstrated an inability to discern the grave incompetence of traitor trump compared to the eminently qualified Hillary Clinton is my failing. I guess even I got sucked into the notion that Americans could save themselves and do the right thing. But, actually, I have come to realize that electing Biden was merely the equivalent of a broken clock being right twice a day. (For you yutes out there, this refers to an analog clock.) The poll results above evince the other 1,438 minutes in a day. And what are the chances that the next presidential election falls on one of these 1,438 minutes? I’m going with 100 percent.
Look, f***tards. I’ve said this repeatedly and often: Any poll in which Biden is not ahead of traitor trump (by a lot!) only — and can only — spell doom for the president. Again, given everything we know and have experienced with traitor trump — (off the top of my head and in no particular order) his incompetence and laziness; his involvement in the insurrection; his undermining our democracy by constantly questioning the last election; his belief in QAnon; his never-f***ing-ending whining, b*tching, and complaining; his non-stop grievance-fest; his selfishness and narcissism; his “America first” promises, but America last in practice; his handling of COVID; his lying about the deadliness of COVID to the American people throughout the pandemic; his authoritarian desires and hatred of democracy at home and worldwide; his multiple indictments; his contribution to rolling back personal rights (e.g., abortion); his vileness toward minorities; his racism, bigotry, misogyny, anti-semitism, and anti-LGBTQ beliefs; his defending and promoting of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups; his utter lack of basic human decency and general nastiness; his porn star payoff; his three marriages and adultery during all of them; his failed businesses and fraudulent business practices because he is a con-man; his vow to remove America from NATO and other vital democratic-defending alliances; his treason; his belief that climate change is a hoax; his Second Amendment belief of every gun, every where, by everybody, at every time; his throwing paper towels at hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico; his slow-walking to release federal disaster funds to blue stats (e.g., California wildfires); his family separation policy at the border; his his tax cuts for the rich while raising taxes on the lower and middle classes; his desire to end Obama Care; his remaking of SCOTUS into an uber-conservative supermajority; his mediocre handling of the economy before COVID; his incessant lying; his singular threat to national security; his weaponization of the federal government against his political opponents and critics; his impeachments; his unleashing the police on protestors; his desire to unleash the military on said protestors; his photo-op where he held the Bible upset down in front of a church during the George Floyd protests; his diverting dollars away from the military to “build that wall”; his failed border wall camgain, in general, that Mexico did not pay for; his disparagement of the military; his attacks on veterans; his nuclear threats against North Korea; his questioning of America’s intelligence appertratice while preferring to believe Putin; his cozying up to our enemies like Russia, North Korea, and China; his Muslim bans; his grifting; his double-dealing for personal gain at the expense of every other American; his abject stupidity that endangers our country and embarrasses us on the world stage; his desire to start a war with Iran; his desire to give Ukraine to Russia; his extortion of Ukraine by withholding military aid if Zelenskyy did not fabricate an investigation into then-presidential candidate Biden; all these things and many more that I have not listed — there is no universe in which traitor trump should be tied with Biden, let alone ahead as some surveys have indicated, yet we have another poll showing just that. Un-f***ing-believable! Do f***ing people remember absolutely nothing? Apparently, not! I live in stupid f***ing hell. I give up!
I know I’ve said national polls don’t matter; we elect presidents state by state. But I did not say to ignore national polls. There is solid evidence and experience that a presidential candidate must lead in a national survey by at least 3-5 percentage points for that to translate into being ahead in battleground states. In other words, a lead of that size almost always serves as a good proxy that a candidate will also win in crucial swing states. On the flip side, lacking such a national lead means the person cannot win in places like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. And it’s not like this poll is a one-off or unusual. A tie is actually very consistent with other polls and poll averages where Biden and traitor trump vie for the top position. Given that every presidential election is won on the thinnest of margins coupled with third-party spoilers like West, Biden is doomed. Americans are too stupid and too apathetic to save the country. Not to mention voters can’t wait to punish Democrats for turning the economy around. It’s like clockwork — one that works. (See my previous posts on this.) Again, I say: Provided everything I just listed above about traitor trump, when voters are given a choice between Biden and the orange man, they essentially say either one works. Are you f***ing kidding me?!?! Seriously! Either one? It’s a toss-up? They’re the same? Flip a coin; it doesn’t matter! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country anymore! People get the government they deserve and desire. Mark my words, f***tards. The end is here. So, brace yourselves, for this country cannot — will not — endure much longer. The cold civil war has been upon us for a while now; the hot civil war is coming! Welcome to stupid America! Sorry, folks, but this is what a dying country looks like!