MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Was (Not) Wrong and I am (Not) Surprised

From The Hill, “President Trump’s favorability stayed flat after the Republican National Convention as a majority of the country continues to view his handling of the COVID-19 crisis negatively, a poll released Sunday found. … Unlike Trump, the former vice president experienced a 5 percentage point boost in favorability in the week after the Democratic convention. He also saw a 7 percentage point increase in favorability among Democrats after the convention.” I was certain that traitor trump would get some sort of post-convention bump — greater that Biden’s — but it appears I was wrong to think so. There is no change, surprisingly. Although, it may be too early, so I may be conceding prematurely. (Apparently, I did concede too quickly at the time I first posted this.) I suppose this reinforces the conventional wisdom that both sides are firmly dug in with little to no room for movement, especially on the RepubliKKKlan side. However, traitor trump with a 40-45 percent job approval rating is still enough to win re-election.

Of course, I was right in my prediction all along as Morning Consult shows, “Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump 50% to 44% among likely voters following the Republican National Convention vs. a lead of 52% to 42% before it began. … President Donald Trump needed a convention bounce — and he got one, emerging from the Republican National Convention with an improved standing against Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, fueled by gains among white voters and those in the suburbs, though he still trails the former vice president nationwide.” Of course, he got a bump because it’s the mirror, stupid! And don’t be confused about favorability (likability) ratings. Even though Biden has much higher likability ratings over traitor trump, clearly Americans don’t care about likability because four years ago they elected the least likable person in history to be president. Americans just don’t care. As long as the stock market is up and the whites feel powerful over minorities then they’ll re-elect traitor trump.

I don’t know why I keep doubting myself. My gut is never (very, very rarely) wrong, and my gut says traitor trump is going to get re-elected, by hook or crook — more crook than hook at this point. A close election favors traitor trump because it’s easier to steal the election when the number of votes is close and certainly the moron in the White House can (and will) lose the popular vote by millions and still win the Electoral College! While Morning Consult is only one poll showing a bump for traitor trump after his convention, it is one more than Biden got, and it is the beginning of the end for Biden. Mark my words, morons. Biden is finally starting to come out of the basement, but now it looks like he’s on the defense — Democrats always looking weak, for it is their natural state. F*** me! I’ve already heard too many moron pundits try to dismiss this clear bump as being marginal, unique, and insignificant, but that’s how shifts always start — inconsequential — until another poll evinces the same but now slightly larger gain. And then another poll tracks another small gain. Then one more poll and so on until morons see a pattern of traitor trump ascending and Biden crashing — a pattern smart people could have discerned in just the first poll. This is not difficult people! This is the traitor trump momentum beginning. We are living in traitor trump’s trump stupid America. And enough voters in the land of MAGA morons like what they see and want four more years of an idiot leader, conspiracy theories, and the reality show of American carnage! Welcome to stupid America!