Idiocracy and Inflation

If it’s Friday following CPI Thursday, then it means the MSM is going apoplectic over inflation and wondering why Biden hasn’t fixed the world yet. Pick a headline! For example, Yahoo! Finance writes, “Inflation reaches 40-year high: January CPI posts 7.5% annual gain.” And from The Wall Street Journal, “Inflation Haunts the Biden Economy.” Then add hot-off-the-presses from new Biden approval numbers CNN, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. … His approval rating for handling the economy has dipped 8 points to 37% since early December, while his ratings for handling coronavirus have dropped 9 points to 45%.”

The inflation numbers are what they are, and Americans are too stupid to apprehend them fully. People pretty much look at gas prices and think Biden — bad! The MSM only adds to America’s moronity, especially when these inflation reports drop. They act like a dog who just won’t let go of his bone. CNN is the most culpable. Yesterday they kept talking about how the price of used cars increased 40 percent year over year. OMG! Wow! How many used cars does an average person buy in a year? Major purchases like this typically don’t register as inflationary, especially when prices can be negotiated and the purchase is rare. When someone buys a car, they don’t sit there and think, How much would this have been five years ago? They want to know how much their monthly payment will be. And another thing. Guess what also gets inflated when you trade your used car? Any guesses? The sale price of your used car — assuming you’re a competent negotiator. Nonetheless, the MSM kept harping — oddly — on this one data point as if it was breaking a person’s bank. Then they talked about how a new T.V. — because you know the Super Bowl is coming — will cost you 2 percent more. OMG! Two percent! Holy-f***ing-sh*t! No! Now everyone’s Super Bowl Sunday is ruined. You’ll just have to watch the game on last year’s 4K UHD model. Oh, and don’t get me started on Avocados! But that does bring me to my next point. While food prices are higher, I hope people realize that when the MSM advertises that chicken or beef increased by 25 percent, it does not mean 25 percent of a person’s paycheck goes to paying for meat. I would not put it past the average American to think to themselves that 25 cents of every dollar they earn have to pay for their chicken and beef consumption. No! That’s not how it works. Unfortunately, economics is part reality, part perception, and part feelings.

People’s “feelings” about the economy are why Biden is getting crushed in the polls. As usual, what people think about the economy is measured more by their false perception of reality. My infamous dingbat hairstylist said she heard gas would be $7 per gallon. (No doubt from Faux News or Facebook!) It’s never happened before, and sure it could happen. But that’s how people “think”: Gas is $4 going to $7 because they “heard” it somewhere. (Assuming Russia does not invade, in which case all bets are off for gas prices.)

And it’s all Biden’s fault, naturally, for something that may never happen. I know. I know. The president always gets the blame, but a couple of undercurrents are worth discussing. First, Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order, and they have absolutely no understanding of economics in general and the concept of inflation more specifically. Guess what, f***tards? Looking at gas prices and the price of food does not mean you understand inflation; it means you understand the difference between higher numbers and lower numbers. I have written on this topic extensively before, so I won’t belabor the point here, except to say Biden has no f***ing control over the economy or inflation. I suppose voters are punishing Biden because he does not sufficiently “feel their pain,” as if that is really going to help them. Although, it did work for President Clinton, who had a special knack for understanding the ordinary American moron.

Second, the primary causes of this inflationary period are supply chain issues (including labor) and the price of energy (aka gas), which is a significant input cost for everything you buy. Gas costs more because the OPEC+ cartel targets oil production output to meet a barrel price of their choice! Not to mention the tensions with Russia — also a significant oil producer — is not helping matters. But, of course, morons of America look at the grand total to fill their gas tank, and it’s Biden’s fault! F*** me! Add to the economic mix the fact that fewer people are returning to the workforce for whatever reasons — but one of them is not unemployment or welfare — and guess what? Fewer workers mean higher wages, which means higher retail prices. The irony here is that inflation in today’s environment results from a red-hot economy, not fiscal and monetary policies. Do you want to know why prices are so high? Look in the f***ing mirror, a**hole! God! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore.

Last, I am astonished that most people say, “there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.” Seriously? I’ve been hard on Biden most of the time, but ironically, I think he’s doing better with his firm stance on Ukraine and Russia in the last few weeks. Yet, people can’t think of one thing he’s done correctly? How about COVID, f***tards? Does anyone really think we’d be in a better position today if traitor trump were still running the show? He literally held daily COVID press conferences merely for the show! Of course, large swaths of the population — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon cultist kooks — want Biden to fail and want to perpetuate the pandemic misery and want the economy to tank. Then they blame Biden for the dysfunction they forced upon America. Biden is only at fault for his naivety in assuming the “loyal” opposition still believes in American democracy and a shared sense of citizenship. Clearly, they do not. They just want Biden to f*** up, and they’re actually succeeding at it, convincing some Democrats in the process.

People know nothing, yet they vote and base their political decisions as if they’re actually informed and enlightened. As I constantly say, America is too stupid to endure. Welcome to stupid America! “It’s all Biden’s fault!” Kill me now!