If I Have to Hear One More F***tard Say…

If I have to hear one f***ing G.D. moronic commenter, pundit, voter, pedestrian, dumbass Democrat, or anyone else “hope” that traitor trump’s contraction of SARS 2 will cause him to take the pandemic seriously, then I am going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind! I mean I just might go postal because I can’t take the stupid anymore. If traitor trump survives SARS 2, then absolutely nothing will change. In fact, it will only make things worse. Not only will he claim lifetime immunity but he’ll also claim the mantle of Jesus Christ superstar. He rose from near death. (And evil evangelicals will believe him because that’s what a stupid country does!) Mark my words, f***tards. His recovery from this disease will be a license to further divide the country — those who were strong enough to survive and everyone else. I’ve said it before, idiots. This is at the core of MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan beliefs — SARS 2 is killing all the right people, namely minorities. It’s weeding out the weak. I cannot say it any more plainly than that. His MAGA moron and RepubiKKKlan supporters are all in with this line of thinking. Whatever! You’ll never see a mask on him again because he’s cured, setting the ultimate example for every other American moron. Of course, none of his followers will care if his recklessness kills people, and neither will he. Traitor trump is not going to see the light or become a convert on the pandemic. He will only see this as an argument of the weak versus the strong. He’s strong. He survived. Those who don’t make it were not meant to live. And people will love him more for it! Mark my words, f***tards.

WTF! The stupid never ends. Every f***ing day is just another day of Lucy and the f***ing G.D. football with people thinking something is ever going to change with traitor trump and his followers. It! Will! Never! Ever! Change! It only goes to prove the frustrating notion that people do not understand the truly vile nature of trumpism and its malignancy in America. Wake the f*** up, people! Should Biden win, don’t think trumpism will end or “just” disappear. It needs to be thoroughly exterminated. But no one understands, so it will be allowed to persist under some misguided notion of freedom of speech and religion. I can’t take the stupid anymore! Welcome to trump stupid America.