If I Have to See One More F***ing Sympathetic News Piece About Anti-Vaxxers Hospitalized for COVID

Let me just say to these people upfront: F*** them! No, actually allow me to restate that: F*** them hard! I just don’t f***ing care about these moronic anti-vaxxers and their near-death experiences with COVID. It is not newsworthy. Although, I will say that I am interested in — and rejoice over — anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers who die from COVID. Those are truly praise Jesus stories! I have said this before and will keep saying it. I just don’t care anymore — and have never really cared — about anti-vaxxers and COVID-truthers dying from the disease. They deserved it! Full stop! What frustrates me are these “educational moment” news segments that CNN and MSNBC seem the need to make news. Every time I watch (or read) these peoples’ stories, all I can think about is how they should have died, and I wish they would have; that is the greatest “educational moment.” Just tally up the number of daily anti-vaxxer and COVID-truther deaths! In the words of traitor trump: That is a beautiful number! The country would be better off without the stupid and RepubliKKKlans. They made their bed and now they can lie in it without my sympathy. It is seriously time for the Einsatzgruppen to cull America of MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals because they are literally killing the rest of us. Welcome to stupid America! You can’t undo the stupid.