I’ll Believe It When I See It: Netanyahu Out

According to NPR, “The head of a small hard-line party on Sunday said he would try to form a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents, taking a major step toward ending the 12-year rule of the Israeli leader. … Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power while he is on trial. He has used his office as a stage to rally support and lash out against police, prosecutors and the media. If his opponents fail to form a government and new elections are triggered, it would give him another chance at seeing the election of a parliament that is in favor of granting him immunity from prosecution. But if they succeed, he would find himself in the much weaker position of opposition leader and potentially find himself facing unrest in his Likud party.” I’ve seen this movie before. Let’s just be clear about something: Netanyahu was traitor trump before traitor trump was traitor trump! And like traitor trump, Netanyahu will never be out of the picture unless he is in jail and again like traitor trump, neither one of them is ever going to jail. At best, Israel gets a break from a disastrous leader, perhaps long enough to fix the Palestine issue in earnest because the one person most against a two-state solution has been Netanyahu. He never wanted peace; he just wanted time to eventually “breed out” Palestinians from the region (i.e., annex land from the West Bank and/or kill Palestinians). Eventually, those in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank would become a diminishing minority with no political power or presence.