I’m Batting a Thousand Here!

I will be the first to admit I am wrong once again and I will never be so happy to say it. If the Georgia election results hold, then it looks like Democrats will take control of the Senate by the slimmest margin possible, and I will have to reconsider my worldview of American politics! It is an unqualified and rightly deserved set of wins for Democrats. Full stop!

Thankfully, Biden can now get the cabinet he wants and deserves, which better include a vindictive AG that will hunt down the traitor trump family and all of his enablers and put them in jail. (I’m dreaming.) The big question, of course, is what will Democrats do with their new-found power? Ram through liberal judges? Doubtful! Hope a conservative SCOTUS Justice dies or pressure an elder liberal SCOTUS Justice to retire (Breyer!) on 21 January 2021? Nope! (As an aside, these wins reinforce that Justice Barrett is completely illegitimate! She and all of her opinions are null and void in my mind!) Will the Senate investigate traitor trump and his traitor Senator supporters? Nah! If there is one thing of which I am most certain is that Democrats will squander what little power they have because RepubliKKKlans can still obstruct legislation; the filibuster is not going anywhere, so it only takes one Senator to kill a bill. This is where the faultlines of the Democratic Party will cripple their efforts and Biden’s agenda. Governing Democrats has always been like herding cats, whereas governing RepubliKKKlans has been like wielding a battering ram. When will Democrats learn?

One last thing, Stacey Abrams needs to take over the entire Democratic Party re-election apparatus. Whatever the party has been doing outside of Georgia has been wrong! Oh, and dumbass Democrats better f***ing put together and f***ing pass a new national voting rights act! I swear to f***ing God! If they won’t/can’t do anything else, then at the very least they need to make new law around fair and free elections, especially where RepubliKKKlans win now focus on preventing people from voting in red states more than ever!