I’m Confused About Their Confusion

What the f***? Seriously!?!? WTF? Apparently, people are “confused” about recent COVID recommendations, especially news anchors and other news pundits, which, of course, is a short trip for all of those MSM idiots. What are they confused about specifically? The new mask guidelines from the CDC in light of the COVID delta variant becoming dominant in the U.S. News segment after news segment conveys and highlights some sort of “confusion” on behalf of the news anchor (and by extension the American people) about the new mask recommendations from the CDC, which then creates more “confusion” about what states are doing in terms of their guidelines, mandates, and anti-mandates.

Listen here, f***tards! If morons were actually paying attention and had a modicum of grey matter between the ears, then there would be no confusion. They would know that the CDC, NIH, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, et al have always said anything can change at any time, and that known and unknown variants are the biggest worry which could change the calculus at the drop of a dime. Full f***ing stop! And that is exactly what delta is doing in real-time — daily! Because delta is more virulent and more transmissible the CDC is recommending everyone wear a mask indoors to reduce the risk of spreading COVID. What is so m*****f***ing G.D. confusing about that? Yes, experts said vaccinated people could finally ditch the masks, but that was before delta and this is now. So, why is that confusing? Why? WTF? God, I hate stupid people. Do I have to draw a crayon picture to help f***tards understand the concept of before and after? Cause and effect? The idea that life is nonstationary?

Then these “enlightened” news pundits compound their “confusion” by wondering why each state has its own guidelines, mandates, and anti-mandates as if residences in one state should be following the recommendations of another halfway across the country. So, you know, it’s confusing for them (and the American people) as to why Flori-duh does something different than California. Of course, confusion, like sex and blood (and hurricanes for CNN), seem to sell well for ratings. Ugh! Kill me now. God, I really, really do hate stupid people — on-air and off. Welcome to stupid America: The most confused nation on the planet!