I’m Over It

Un-f***ing-believable! So, now the #MeToo movement has been reduced to those who felt uncomfortable–once. From Axios, “Another 3 women came forward to say they had uncomfortable encounters with former Vice President Biden, The Washington Post first reported Wednesday night, bringing the total number of accusers to 7.” G.D. f***ing idiots. I’m sorry but when people co-opt a movement that is meant to call out the pervasive actions of men who use their power and influence to sexually force themselves onto women and perhaps, more importantly, coerce them to remain silent to instead complaining about how they felt uncomfortable that one time Biden touched them or God forbid “complimented her smile when she met him in 2008” then they discredit the entire movement. Seriously! She was uncomfortable because he complimented her smile?!?! It’s not like he whistled and cat-called at her looks. On very, very rare occasions RepubliKKKlans get it partially correct, and in this case, I feel they predicted the consequences of the #MeToo movement. They said every man would find themselves being accused, and so it seems they are being so accused of the smallest of actions.

Look, idiots. Life is uncomfortable. Period! I feel uncomfortable every time a co-worker starts going off into a religious-land discussion. Although I sense she falls into the liberal side of Christian theology, I have to steer her back to a work-appropriate conversation. I don’t go running to my boss offended and complaining; I solve the issue myself. Are women so cowed by everything at all times they could not ask or tell Biden to stop? I’m absolutely sure he would. If he did not, then that is a #MeToo moment, not one’s ephemeral discomfort. Yeah, that’s another thing. Dumbass Democrats really are snowflakes at times. Honestly, these women are giving the #MeToo movement a bad name. Now Biden will be “more mindful,” which is fine if cutting off your nose despite your face is the new normal to make sure no one ever invades any other person’s space or orbit or galaxy or universe.

Last, the timing of these women is suspicious. I’m sorry but it just is. Are they hoping to prevent a serial philanderer from becoming president? Too late. Never underestimate the ability of dumbass Democrats to shoot themselves in the foot.