I’m Still Unpersuaded About Mueller

Axios states, “In a rebuke to Attorney General William Barr, special counsel Robert Mueller sent a letter last month stating that Barr’s 4-page summary to Congress on the sweeping Russia investigation failed to ‘fully capture the context, nature, and substance’ of Mueller’s work and conclusions, the Washington Post reports, citing a copy of the letter it obtained. … DOJ officials told the Post that Muller said that news coverage of the obstruction probe was erroneous, and that the public failed to get an accurate understanding of his work.” Now I’m even more convinced that Mueller is a traitor RepubliKKKlan. So, even after Mueller expresses what amounts to “thoughts and prayers” of concern over Barr’s clear attempt to cover up the severity of the investigation to protect traitor trump, Mueller has not offered to testify before Congress. In fact, as of today Mueller still technically works for the DOJ. I guess he enjoys the protection of the executive branch of government, which is preventing him from testifying. Yeah, Mueller sure is in a hurry to set the record straight before the American public. Mueller should not have to be dragged to Congress to testify. Welcome to stupid America!