I’m Telling You Morons

I keep saying it, but I think people believe me to be an extremist, an alarmist, hyperbolic, or just plain non compos mentis. Yet, idiots out there keep wanting to think that the other side merely has a difference of opinion or way of seeing the world. Oh, they do all right! In the conservatives’ minds, they want progressives and Democrats dead. Plain and simple!

Witness this goodie from Texas Tribune: “In the days after George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis last month, as massive protests against police brutality spread across Texas and other states, conservative power broker Steve Hotze of Houston called Gov. Greg Abbott’s chief of staff to pass along a message. ‘I want you to give a message to the governor,’ Hotze told Abbott’s chief of staff, Luis Saenz, in a voicemail. ‘I want to make sure that he has National Guard down here and they have the order to shoot to kill if any of these son-of-a-bitch people start rioting like they have in Dallas, start tearing down businesses — shoot to kill the son of a bitches. That’s the only way you restore order. Kill ‘em. Thank you.’”

Will Democrats take this kind of talk? Probably! Progressives are weak and stupid! This is a war they refuse to believe exists. Stop thinking that RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are some good people. They are not. None of them is. Rise up stupid liberals! Find your backbone. Learn to believe that the opposition must be obliterated and not something with which we must try to live in “harmony.” There is no such thing with these hateful people. We can think about a more perfect union and society once we purge this cancer — RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons — from America!