Imagine That — Crenshaw Is a Douchebag

From Salon, “A government accountability watchdog group filed a complaint with the House Ethics Committee on Tuesday, demanding Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Tx., be expelled from Congress for his alleged role in what a federal investigator described as a concerted effort on the part of top Veterans Affairs officials to smear a sexual assault victim.” Every time this douchebag Crenshaw makes headlines for acting like the RepubliKKKlan douchebag that he is, I am reminded of Pete Davidson mocking him on SNL and that m******f***ing apology! Snowflake douchebag Crenshaw was so offended by being mocked that he demanded an apology. Apparently, snowflake douchebag Crenshaw can’t take being a public figure and therefore is, by definition, fair game when it comes to political, public satire. Boo-f***ing-hoo! Poor snowflake. Davidson was utterly right to mock him — ad hominem attacks and all. Davidson was wrong to apologize and make peace — something he later said he was forced to do by SNL, and I completely believe him. This is par for the course when it comes to RepubliKKKlans. Now, douchebag Crenshaw is making headlines again as he shows his true colors as a RepubliKKKlan, which is just another m******f***ing G.D. a**hole like every other RepubliKKKlan. Someone needs to take out his other eye, and maybe then he’ll stop.