In the Great Words of James Tiberius Kirk: ‘Let Them Die’

Attribution: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, 1991, Paramount Pictures

I have quoted the great admiral (captain) several times before, and I will reiterate my firm concurrence with the sentiment toward RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, red states, and the like: “Let them die!” Preferably with all haste. Of course, I speak of the unvaccinated. In short, these f***tards are f***ing up America’s re-opening efforts and ability to get beyond the pandemic. I’m over it! I’m over the vaccine skeptics and the anti-vaxxers. We are so beyond the argument that these vaccines do not have full FDA approval. Given the wide distribution at this point — hundreds of millions of doses — full approval is merely a formality. And if I have to hear one more f***ing moron f***tard claim that the vaccines are not proven effective or they alter DNA or they cause magnetism or they make people infertile or — my favorites — FREEDOM! and microchips (MICROCHIPS for the love of f***ing God!), then I am going to go f***ing G.D. postal! I can’t anymore. I just can’t deal with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid in America anymore. So, I say f*** it and f*** them! Let them f***ing die quickly! In fact, I praise Jesus every time I hear another story about an idiot unvaccinated patient who wished in their dying breath that they had gotten vaccinated. Oh, well, morons. You get what you deserve. I have no sympathy. I’m over the sympathy. To put a finer point on my apathy, there was an MSNBC story about how an unvaccinated Missouri family contracted COVID. The parents were hospitalized and the mother was pregnant and had to be put on a ventilator. Well, guess what? She lost the baby. Go figure! I say good and good riddance! She deserved it! Seriously! I don’t give one G.D. f*** how cruel it sounds. I’m over these people. In fact, since Missouri is one of those red-state pro-life, anti-mask, anti-science hellscapes, I want to know why the woman is not being charged with infanticide since her willful neglect to get vaccinated — which has proven safe for pregnant women — directly caused the death of her unborn child. She is a murderer by the logic of the conservatives that rule over the state. So, why does she get off? She is a baby killer as far as I’m concerned. Why is she not in jail awaiting her murder trial? But whatever! Hypocrisy is the middle name of every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, and evil evangelical.

And I’m over liberals and their excuses that these poor vaccine-hesitant people are merely misinformed, dis-informed, or uninformed. No, no. At this point, it is a willfulness to remain uninformed and stupid — it perfectly conforms to the conservative mentality, which is to be all stupid all the m*****f***ing time. Full! F***ing! Stop! The correct information is out there and accessible, yet morons of America get their news from the likes of Facebook. Seriously?!?! People consume (and believe) news and information that is essentially crowdsourced on Facebook et al! We are literally living in a country where if enough people say it (repeat it), then “it” becomes true. F*** me! I give up! And we wonder why America is the dumbest f***ing country on the planet. Whatever! You can’t undo the stupid; you can only hope it dies out quickly before it kills the rest of us. We are so f***ing screwed because of American idiocracy. Welcome to stupid America where the idiots are not dying fast enough. (Now ask me how I really feel!)