A CNN headline reads: “Trump’s wild foreign trip encapsulates the case for 2020 voters.” Furthermore, “He made unverifiable claims that China had bowed to his tough rhetoric. He adopted dizzyingly different postures on the trade war. Trump bitterly accused the media of lying when it questioned his narrative of the summit. He indulged his obsession with Barack Obama, slamming the former President on foreign soil in a way that once would have been taboo.” Then the article goes on to say as another kick in the teeth to would-be important voters, “Trump skipped a meeting on global warming — a scientifically proven trend that he has claimed is a Chinese hoax.” One would think of all the issues that will affect Millennials and Generation Z the most is climate change, yet traitor trump essentially gave the entire world one big middle finger by skipping the meeting and blatantly lying about it. Because he simply does not care. These two generations, together, now outnumber the more reliable voting Baby Boomer generation. If they really want to save their own future asses they need to f***ing vote, but I forget. They don’t vote. Not to mention that some (some too many) of these generational voters are actually conservative because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans breed and their spawn survive to adulthood. So, there is that headwind inherently lurking in the population — and they actually do vote. Once again, I suppose, the fate of the nation rests on apathetic progressives. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Welcome to stupid America!