Incomprehensible Stupidity: America

Politico reports, “A majority of Americans now approve of President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new survey, as the administration has issued stricter federal guidelines in recent days and the president has adopted a more public-facing role in combating the disease.” It’s all over, people. The utter, incomprehensible stupidity of America has spoken. And as I correctly predicted, there is absolutely no disaster under which f***tards of America will not love traitor trump and even those on the margins are the same morons who readily give traitor trump the benefit of the doubt as though the last four years never happened! As though every other shortcoming of traitor trump is meaningless. Put the Idiot-in-Chief in front of the cameras pretending to be a leader while he continues to lie and B.S. America and people love him for it. I can’t take America’s stupidity anymore. F*** me! Maybe more people do need to die — quickly! Welcome to trump stupid America!