
From CNN, “News outlets are publishing more and more videos, photos and testimonials from Wednesday’s pro-Trump riot on Capitol Hill. And it’s becoming clear that as heinous as the attack looked in real time, on live TV and in our social feeds, it was even worse than we knew then. It was even more violent. It was even more treacherous. And Trump’s behavior was even more disturbing.” When it comes to media commentary, Brian Stelter is unrivaled, and he does not disappoint here. Indeed! As I see more new videos, my blood boils all over again and more intensely than the last time. Then I think holy-f***ing-sh*t this could have really gone sideways and it was a miracle of God that it did not!

At the head of this mob of insurrectionists were people who truly wanted to overthrow the First Article branch of government. And those “merely” following were “unwitting” enablers who by their sheer numbers and enthusiasm gave confidence and momentum to leaders to push on; one could reasonably imagine leaders may have failed in their cause if they looked behind them and saw no one following. A few dozen storming the Capitol could have never succeeded. But that was not the case. The ring leaders looked over their shoulders and saw tens of thousands following and chanting and exciting. Unwitting or not, they are all f***ing guilty just the same, without exception! They are all complicit in the murder of a USCP officer and the death of four others, including one MAGA moron who really deserved what she got, but I am more than happy to pin the death of one of their own on all of these traitors. I don’t f***ing care if these people did nothing more than stand on the ramparts and waved a [T]rump flag or wandered Statuary Hall taking pictures as if sightseeing. I don’t f***ing care how innocuous their actions or support; they are all f***ing guilty and should suffer the harshed of criminal consequence. Sadly, dumbass Democrats will be the first to call for unity, and let’s just move all, never holding anyone accountable, for Democrats are weak. That will seal the nation’s downfall because the nation cannot heal and move on until we deal with this harshly, completely, and without compassion.