
Indeed, a Nation of People B*tching, ‘Poor, Me!’

From Salon, “Poor, pitiful conservatives: How the right’s counterfeit victimhood narratives harm all of us. Right-wing victimology isn’t just irritating and childish. It’s also a dangerous incitement to violence. … But victimhood, real or imagined, has also come to assume a central role in social, political, and cultural discourse in the U.S. A victim sensibility seems clearly to be on the rise across the political spectrum, especially on the right. But while real people are victimized in the real world all the time, not all victimization stories are the same. Some are counterfeit.  … While it may be true that conservatives suffer genuine victimization by virtue of jobs moving overseas, wages stagnating, communities fragmenting, health care becoming unaffordable, a perceived increase in crime and growing wealth inequality, it is also transparently false that these sources of legitimate suffering reflect a plot by liberal elites to ‘replace’ them. … So there is no equivalence or symmetry between the ways that the right and left make claims of counterfeit victimization. Broadly speaking, progressives have identified with victims and fought to defend and care for them. Modern conservatives like Trump and Carlson, however, are basically propagandizing when they position themselves and their audiences as injured parties in order to justify anti-democratic and xenophobic measures aimed at seizing, holding and expanding their power. Their aim isn’t to defend victims, but to stir up a mob that they hope will get rid of the democratic norms that currently provide some restraint against their political aims.”

Has the broader public not figured this out yet? I did … eight years ago because I’m not a f***ing G.D. moron. The reason traitor trump has been and continues to be so popular is that he’s spent the last eight years whining, b*tching, complaining, bellyaching, lamenting, and gripping about everything f***ing thing from windmills to NATO to water pressure to democracy and the American Constitution. But whatever! America has degenerated into one giant b*tch session and is now composed of a citizenry aggrieved by every f***ing thing that they disagree with or by situations in which they didn’t get their way. Again, as I’ve been saying for years now, traitor trump is the mirror held up to all Americans, and the people fell in love with the reflection. Welcome to stupid America, an ugly image only conservatives could love!