Installing the Crazies

James “Jethrow Hillbilly” D. Vance wins the Ohio RepubliKKKlan Senate primary all thanks to traitor trump’s last-minute endorsement. He was 10 points behind in the polls and won the election by 9 points. To all those f***tards out there who keep talking about how traitor trump’s influence and political power are waning, they are f***ing morons! I’m getting really tired of idiotic pundits, commentators, and “experts” predicting traitor trump’s political demise. No f***ing way! His MAGA moron movement is the RepubliKKKlan Party. Full stop! He still has all the power, and Vance’s win is more confirmation. And do not think traitor trump is playing kingmaker just for the hell of it. No! This is all part of an orchestration to steal the next presidential election. The more crazy MAGA moron politicians traitor trump has in the House and Senate, the better chance he will usurp the next election. Mark my words, f***tards!

While everyone was relieved that Biden won and could not wait for traitor trump to retire from the political scene — perhaps in handcuffs — I was never convinced, not for a second. I never believed traitor trump would “go gentle into that good night!” The man has a score to settle and really has nothing better to do with his life except being a troll — and people love him for it! I posted as much early and often after the last election. And, of course, I was right. I’m unsure how or why people are still delusional about the peril traitor trump poses to America. Open your f***ing eyes, idiots. In particular, dumbass Democrats. Their quixotic worldview is killing the country. And people’s expectation that the law is catching up with traitor trump only proves how stupid Americans truly are. Ain’t never going to happen. See my First Axiom. MAGA world is taking over the country, and people are still in disbelief. The country is not exhausted with the toupee-wearing orange, for most people either love the traitor trump train wreck or, worse still, are indifferent. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!