
Is Traitor [T]rump Still Running?

Wow! It’s been how many days since traitor trump’s announcement? I honestly don’t remember because the event was surprisingly unremarkable, and the follow-up by the MSM and traitor trump himself has been even more so unremarkable. I am shocked. The MSM post-coverage has not been like white on rice. And traitor trump as well has failed to keep the momentum going. Where are the subsequent mega MAGA moron rallies? He announced, and then nothing — silence.

Nonetheless, one would be foolish to interpret such ennui as defeat or an average idiot’s lack of interest. This is the problem: It is traitor trump’s nomination to lose, and there are no rivals to challenge him. Indeed, all these RepubliKKKlans that the MSM puts forward as possible contenders are not contenders at all. They are a fiction, and they all know how the base works. They understand that leadership does not control the RepubliKKKlan Party; it is the MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook base that dictates to the RepubliKKKlan Party what, who, and how the apparatus shall work. Look at the most recent midterms. Who picked the RepubliKKKlan candidates? Mitch, the human turtle? McCarthy? Scott? No! The base did, or perhaps I should call the base by its more familiar name: Al-Qaeda, which literally translates to “the base.” The base, the American Al-Qaeda, elected the midterm RepubliKKKlan candidates. Most of them lost, but not all. And enough won to take back the House, so to think these people will be cowed by their losses is wrong. They may not have won everywhere, but they did get one of the biggest prizes. Moreover, this is still a party built on a personality cult. The only person with a personality is traitor trump, as vile as it may be. Only traitor trump can manifest the white grievance that the American Al-Qaeda admires and identify. So, do not count traitor trump out. Count him in. Will he win a general election? Who knows? I’ll save that analysis for another time. Welcome to stupid America!