Israel Election No. Three

According to Haaretz, “There is no doubt that the polls have been trending Netanyahu’s way over the past few days.” It doesn’t matter if a conservative is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, white, black, brown, yellow, male, female, straight, or gay; all conservatives have the same basic characteristics, which include, to name just a few, selfishness, heartless, greed, unempathetic, vile, unintelligent, and all the -ists and -phobias that apply. They are also persistent. So, I have no doubt conservative Israelis will gladly re-elect Netanyahu as their corrupt and indicted prime minister while Israeli progressives and moderates will have given up by this third election. It is always the same around the world. With enough time and opportunities, conservatives eventually browbeat progressives and liberals into submission, and progressives and liberals let conservatives do so. Welcome to stupid humanity.