Israel in Bed with Putin

From Haaretz, “The State of Israel is exceptional among Western countries in that it has refrained from sharply condemning and imposing sanctions on Putin and the circle around him that are responsible for the war. … Israeli officials’ statements have, for the most part omitted the identification of who is actually attacking Ukraine, committing crimes against the Ukrainian people and against the stability of the international order. As if it were a natural disaster or an alien invasion from another planet. … Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘helped’ Putin upgrade his internal repression tactics, while spending time flattering him. … For example, every year on October 7, Netanyahu joined the queue of leaders of former Soviet republics calling Putin to congratulate him on his birthday. Netanyahu was so proud of their association that he put up giant election posters of himself and Putin side-by-side under the slogan ‘Netanyahu. A different league.’”

What an embarrassment! For a country that was literally founded as a result of genocide, the State of Israel would rather not take a stand against genocide happening in Ukraine at the hands of Russia. But what would one expect from a country that kept Putin-loving Netanyahu in office for 12 years? Astonishingly, a country born out of the ashes of a world war that fought one dictator — Hitler in case you’re not paying attention — continues to be in bed with another dictator — Putin in case you’re brain dead. Of course, this is all consistent with the likes that Israel has sucked up to in the past — traitor trump in case I have to spell out everything for you f***tards. Netanyahu, Putin, traitor trump. They are all of the same ilk, and it seems that Bennett is a bit squishy himself. Shame on Israel! Seriously! For a nation that claims never to forget, they seem to have amnesia.