It Is Moments Like This That I Sometimes Doubt

Attribution: David Cicilline

I have long said that one should not trust the polls, for they underestimate traitor trump’s support by a good five percentage points or so, but rally turnout does not lie! I believed that when he ran against Hillary; I knew he would win — not from the polls — but from the crowds he could engender, which directly translates into enthusiasm. Tulsa may indicate that my “good five percentage points or so” estimation is actually softening. Is it possible that SAR 2 is putting a damper on crowd size? Eh, doubtful. His MAGA morons are by and large in “SARS 2 is a hoax” mode. I still think traitor trump will win re-election — and if I’m wrong then I will be the first to admit that I could not be happier to have been so wrong! I stick to my gut despite evidence to the contrary because I just have no faith in Americans to do the right thing given our most recent track record. The last election could not have been more clear: perhaps the most qualified presidential candidate in my life (Hillary) versus an incompetent con-man (traitor trump). Who did Americans select? The con-man!

Listening to the “highlights” from his rally screed, it is evident and not at all surprising that the con-man is at it again with the same old schtick! Seriously! Not one G.D. thing has changed since his rant about Mexicans in his first presidential campaign speech. It is all the same rhetoric based on lies, fear, hate, and more hate and fear as if that is the only thing MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans respond to — it is actually! So, he’s right on brand. Could it work again? Will it work again? Hell f***ing yes! This is what his base loves: the spectacle, nevermind reflecting on the substance. As long as he preaches hate and fear then they are all in! To them, white America is coming to an end and traitor trump is their white supremacist knight who will save the country. Moreover, they want to be entertained during the chaos. Congratu-f***ing-lations, America morons! As usual, it’s just all about the show — bread and circus! It’s just the right amount of stupid for average America!

I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore. Just having to type out the comparison makes my blood boil, but why am I still shocked! This is, after all, m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Voters do not use reason, logic, and common sense to pick their leaders. Nope. We use our lizard brains. It only takes 45% of the lizard brained population to elect the president given our electoral college “system” (aka electoral scam).