It! Is! Time!

Bodies of civilians, who according to residents were killed by Russian army soldiers, lie on the street, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Reuters)

From Reuters, “Ukraine on Sunday accused Russian forces of carrying out a ‘massacre’ in the town of Bucha, while Western nations reacted to images of dead bodies there with calls for new sanctions against Moscow.”

It is time! It is f***ing time to destroy Putin and Russia along with him! It is time to expand this war because these war crimes — genocide is a crime against humanity — cannot stand! Unfortunately, we’ve seen this movie before, even in recent times; the world watches and ultimately does nothing in response. Oh, sure. International bodies investigate and publish some reports and speak some words of admonishment, yet, in the end, the perpetrators are blamed but held unaccountable. This kind of goes back to my original fear that the West would simply sit back and wring their collective hands over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

So! What must the West do to prove me wrong? They must go on the offensive in Ukraine. Russia has been severely weakened. NATO et al. must push through. More sanctions! More assistance to Ukraine. More hardware. I was reluctant to suggest acceding to Ukraine’s request for fighter jets for fear it would start World War III, but I am no longer confident that Russia could muster a fight about which the West should worry. Send jets, send tanks, send air defense systems. I’m even warming up to a no-fly zone. Do not wait. Russia is back on its heels. This is not the moment the West steps back and congratulates itself, which they are undoubtedly considering. Now is the time to go on the offensive. Now is the time to push Russia out of every inch of Ukraine. Now is the time to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty to pre-2014. This is the West’s weakness that I fear. They are so fearful of confronting Putin that they eventually allow him to run rough-shot over Ukraine and the world. NATO et al. need to put an end to Putin once and for all!

Look, f***tards! The sooner the West realizes that the world cannot coexist with Putin any longer, the sooner the West can actually start planning for the inevitable. It is clear to me that the West is on an inevitable collision course with Russia. At this point, we cannot avoid it. Now is the time for the West to actually prove that it wants and is willing to defend democracy against autocracy. I still won’t hold my breath because they always seem to fall short, despite as much as the West has done up to now. They always fail to achieve total victory! We’re at the moment where the mob boss says, “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” The problem with the West is that they always think they can avoid paying. There is absolutely no deal that the West can or should strike with Putin. No, no! It is time to pay! They need to fix the Putin problem before traitor trump returns to office and basically hands Ukraine to Russia. Mark my words on that! Slava Ukraini!