
It May Be the Democratic Party’s Demise

I keep hearing liberal pundits and other Democratic politicians claim that the RepubliKKKlan Party is on the verge of its demise if it keeps supporting traitor trump. But when traitor trump wins, I think the Democratic Party will be in peril. Now, now. I promise I am not a right-wing troll who claims to be a progressive yet constantly bashes Democrats. But I am an Independent who has never knowingly voted for a RepubliKKKlan in my life. I am a voter, nonetheless, who constantly laments that the Democratic Party has been woefully weak and inept most of my adult life. I’m not talking about policies; I’m talking about political ruthlessness. Today’s Democrats lack that cut-throat drive to win at all costs (bend the rules, but not the law), and it’s going to cost them this election and America’s democracy. They were not always so feckless, but somehow, over the last two or three decades, they have lost their will to win. I’m not talking about just the presidency; I’m talking about all levels of government: Locally, state-wide, and nationally, from school boards to state legislatures to Senators. I will say, though, that I’ve witnessed more fight in Harris in the last 100 days than I’ve seen in most Democratic presidents and presidential candidates in the last several cycles — combined. I’m not sure why it took Harris to inspire chants of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” at the Democratic conventions. We can say it without coming off as ultra-nationalistic while not being inherently xenophobic. And I’m not sure why it took a Harris candidacy to take back symbols of America, i.e., the American flag. It seems like Democrats have always been afraid of patriotism until Harris came along; it’s incomprehensible to me as to why Democrats let RepubliKKKlans take exclusive ownership of patriotism. But it’s too little, too late.

My gripes with the Democratic Party are nothing new coming from me. I’ve complained about Biden almost from the very start of his presidency about how weak of a leader he’s been. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was the beginning, and it has been all downhill from there. Sure, Biden had his moments, namely the Ukraine-Russian war, but even then, my praise is qualified because I think he and the West, in general, have been too cautious, too measured, and too reluctant. As I’ve said countless times before, Biden and the West have never been interested in Ukraine winning the war; they just want Ukraine not to lose. But I’m getting a bit off base here.

To be sure, Biden has achieved substantial legislative victories, but what good are these victories if the general public thinks everything else about his presidency has evinced weakness? Weak! Weak! Weak! That’s not just my opinion; that’s the collective opinion of the citizenry. All political and legislative success is quickly forgotten if the average Joe and Jane think the president and his party are feeble. Once again, Bil Clinton got it right and understood the mindset of America best when he said, “It is better to be strong and wrong than weak and right.” It’s not that f***ing complicated, folks! Traitor trump understands, perhaps a bit too well!

When Harris loses to traitor trump, the questioning will no longer be focused on if and when the RepubliKKKlan Party dies, for winning parties don’t need to be remade, but losing parties do. A Democratic Party that loses to the RepubliKKKlan Party, which has morphed into a winning fascist movement, must really look in the mirror and ask, How did we allow this to happen? What did we get wrong, and how did we miscalculate the country so severely? Legitimate questions. Democrats must re-evaluate themselves drastically. I think the Democratic Party must die and be reborn as a consequence because whatever they’ve been doing since the end of President Clinton’s administration just hasn’t been all that effective. Again, don’t completely misunderstand me; there have been tremendous accomplishments under Democratic leadership, but somewhere along the line, they’ve become really good at inconsistently winning D.C. and even better at routinely losing the heartland. That’s a problem!