It’s All a Scheiße Show

CNN reports, “President Donald Trump bemoaned this year’s Academy Award winner for best picture, ‘Parasite,’ on Thursday because it’s a South Korean film.” Yep, yep. It’s all a f***ing Scheiße show! That’s all this presidency is: a reality TV show that Americans just love to watch. Who cares about what film won? Oh, that’s right — morons do! They love his shtick, especially on topics about xenophobia, jingoism, and white nationalism! MAGA morons, RepibliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals just love the Scheiße show! Americans love the Scheiße show because this is stupid America. This is reality TV every day, all day. Traitor trump is more concerned about his crowd sizes and conducting Nuremberg rally events than he is about running the government. And Americans love it. They love it so much that they will happily re-elect traitor trump to a second term. Mark my words, morons. No one is truly interested in what traitor trump is actually doing or not doing, for if they were then his job approval rating would be in the 30s just like it was when the morons of America were paying attention as traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans tried to repeal America’s health care. So, now they’ve stopped paying attention and are simply enjoying the Scheiße show. Welcome to stupid America where people must be entertained all the time. Forget about thinking! Entertain me!