It’s All Fun and Games Until People Start Dying

From Axios, “The coronavirus may soon become a high-stakes reminder of the flaws in the U.S. health care system. Why it matters: Our expensive, inaccessible health care system could easily make it harder to control the virus’ spread, failing individual patients and putting more people at risk in the process.” I say good! More people must die! I hope it is hundreds of thousands that die and maybe millions more hospitalized with medical bills that bankrupt families. I hope the entire system is completely overwhelmed because nothing ever f***ing changes until things are burned to the f***ing ground! How does one think America elected its first black president? Out of some sense of correcting long overdue racial injustice? Hell f***ing no! The economy f***ing collapsed. F***! Even some RepubliKKKlan voters gave up on RepubliKKKlans to get Obama elected. Apparently (and pathetically) America never really reacts until the situation is dire, so I say let COVID-19 be the next catastrophe to shock people from complacency because America’s health care system is still a f***ing broken disaster! Nothing will change until people start dying en masse. I’m not sorry to be so crass, but it is true, unfortunately. It is a hard truth! People should be hoping for an event that causes a collapse. The entire health care system needs to be re-thought and changed. But I keep forgetting: this is stupid America where people just put up with misery as they re-elect their failed representatives because electing a racist, bigot, anti-LGBTQ, misogynist, “Christian” politician is more important than a concern for the general welfare of society. Welcome to stupid America!