It’s All Just for Headlines — Everything, All of It!

Reporting from Axios, “Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani said on Sunday that he will not release 5,000 Taliban prisoners ahead of peace talks next week, as laid out in a peace agreement that the U.S. signed with the Taliban on Saturday, according to AP. Why it matters: Ghani’s public disagreement with the contents of the agreement presents the first major hurdle in its implementation, which is crucial to ending America’s longest war.” Once again! Once again! Traitor trump and his administration do all these agreements and meetings and announcements just to get f***ing positive headlines. Clearly, this is another instance when traitor trump rolls out his plan about what he thinks should be done or “accomplished” without consulting the buy-in from all other relevant parties. This is why Afghanistan is saying not so fast. Traitor trump is doing whatever it takes — ill-advisedly — just to be able to say that he’s ending wars, neutralized the North Korean threat, brought peace to the Middle East, WALL! Of course, he needs the photo op, too.