It’s All Related

From the Los Angeles Times, “As I observed then, pleas for ‘civility’ are a fraud. Their goal is to blunt and enfeeble criticism and distract from its truthfulness. Typically, they’re the work of hypocrites. It may be not a little ghoulish to celebrate or exult in the deaths of vaccine opponents. And it may be proper to express sympathy and solicitude to those they leave behind. But mockery is not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly mocked anti-COVID measures and encouraged others to follow suit, before they perished of the disease the dangers of which they belittled. Nor is it wrong to deny them our sympathy and solicitude, or to make sure it’s known when their deaths are marked that they had stood fast against measures that might have protected themselves and others from the fate they succumbed to. There may be no other way to make sure that the lessons of these teachable moments are heard.” This is certainly the first published article I’ve seen that is not afraid to suggest that cheering for the deaths of the willingly unvaccinated is not only not a bad thing but perhaps appropriate. Finally! I’ve never been civil, nor do I want to be toward these people. They are the same hateful people who want to round up the gays and kill them. Yes, it is a leap, but let me explain.

Make absolutely no mistake! These are exactly the same people — all of them. These are all anti-science and pro-religion morons who all think vaccines and being gay is an abomination. Do not think for one G.D. second that these anti-vaxxer deaths are simply because of their consumption of “misinformation” or crusade to protect personal choice — you know where being gay is a personal choice, and apparently, a wrong one, which they are against and claim should not be protected. Again, this only reinforces the hypocrisy assertion that the author makes in the article. It’s all the same and it’s all intertwined, people. They willingly seek out and assimilate anti-vax information that already conforms to their bias and bigotry, which is why all this consternation about vaccines and masks, especially in schools, has turned school board meetings and the contents of libraries into battlegrounds of the culture war. Have you ever wondered why the sudden push of anti-LGBTQ issues? Why has this become such a big deal for RepubliKKKlans during the pandemic? There is a reason why COVID has exacerbated the culture war. There is absolutely no daylight between the two — anti-vaxxers and culture warriors attacking LGBTQ rights. These anti-vaxxers are killing themselves off and with them goes their hatred and, no doubt, their RepunliKKKlan vote. I say, good on this author for finally speaking plain truth!