It’s All Too Soon

From CNN, “But the relief of life inching back to normal comes with warnings from experts that it could make the effects of the pandemic worse. This week a model often cited by the White House upped its predictions for the US death toll by August, partially because of measures lifted prematurely. And how deadly an ‘inevitable’ second round of the virus will be depends on how prepared the United States is, the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor Dr. Anthony Fauci said this week.” Of course, the pandemic is going to come roaring back sooner and worse because this is trump stupid America. People are playing with fire and severely underestimating SARS 2. The whole point of these lockdowns has been to buy time: time for hospitals to ramp up, testing to ramp up, treatments to be discovered and ramped up — none of which has occurred yet. So, here we go with people rushing back to normalcy thinking the worst has passed in part because idiot traitor trump said so; this is the stupid leadership we deserve because the dumbest people on the planet elected an incompetent moron to lead the nation. Hopefully, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans die first! Mark my words, f***tards! This country will never care until enough people have died, and for the MAGA morons, there is no such thing as too many dead people so long as God, guns, and gays!