It’s Chauncey DeVega Time!

This man is a genius! He is one of the most trenchant minds I read regularly. His most recent article on Salon elucidates the MSM incompetence and cheerleading of America into fascism. Don’t forget, morons, that fascism requires a compliant and wholly-owned media, and the MSM is more than willing to sell American democracy for 30 pieces of silver.

DeVega writes, “The Republican fascists are leading a revolutionary movement. The news media, with its outmoded tools and assumptions, is largely unable to comprehend such a force. For many in the news media, access is more important than truth-telling. The powerful cannot be trusted to police themselves, and also cannot be trusted to admit when a societal institution is in crisis because they are dependent on that institution for meaning, prestige, authority and resources. … Right-wing propagandists who do the work of the Republican-fascists and larger white right represent a particular type of danger and threat to American democracy. But perhaps just as dangerous are the professional centrists and hope-peddlers who keep telling the American people — in the face of the preponderance of the evidence and common sense — that somehow everything will be OK.”

I am not going to comment too much because DeVega says it all better than I could, but suffice it to say, I wholeheartedly agree with his assessment that “hope-peddlers” (e.g., dumbass Democrats, CNN, and MSNBC) are just as much of a problem. This is why I keep saying that RepubliKKKlans will destroy our democracy and Democrats will watch. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!