It’s the Culture War, Stupid!

From The Hill, “School board meetings across the country have become ground zero for the country’s culture wars, often resulting in combative and confrontational forums as students prepare to head back to school in the fall. … Mask mandates in schools have become the latest point of contention at meetings.” Now, take a look at a sample of headlines across the country:

  • ‘Angry, Unmasked Parents Crowd Louisiana Education Hearing’ [Louisiana]
  • ‘Name-calling, canceled meetings, pleas from students: A week of school mask mandate chaos’ [New York]
  • ‘Angry parents pack Rankin County School Board meeting over mask mandate’ [Mississippi]
  • ‘Mask Mandate Draws Angry Crowd to Vegas-Area Schools Meeting’ [Nevada]
  • ‘Rage over vaccine, mask mandates boils over during county COVID-19 meeting’ [California]
  • ‘An angry parent allegedly ripped off a teacher’s mask. It’s not the only physical altercation over masks in schools’ [Texas]
  • ‘Angry parents and others rally against Genesee County school mask mandate’ [Michigan]

I used to believe it was only “the economy, stupid,” but clearly, it has also always been about the culture war going back to the 1960s. But today, it is only the culture war more than ever. Above all, the reason these school board meetings are drawing such ire, and the reason RepubliKKKlan minorities can hold on to their power over the majority is that they are loud, persistent morons. Indeed, the squeaky wheel does get the oil. I’ve written countless times that America cannot withstand this deepening divide. A deeply stupid country cannot survive. And to reiterate — 40 percent stupid is still too stupid! Sadly, the actual majority is not strong enough (and is unwilling) to dominate the minority. Expect to see more of the minority, with their Taliban-like rule, terrorizing the majority. Obama was right when he said all the opposition cares about is God, guns, and gays. He was years ahead of the rest, and he was wrongfully crucified for lumping all conservatives together. Hmmm, how trenchant is that comment now? And “FREEDOM!” is absolutely not an excuse for the minority to go around in life doing whatever they want, especially if they jeopardize the rest of us with their dangerous and deranged notions of racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, white nationalism, Christian terrorism, science, etc. Stupidity does kill, morons. Witness COVID. Of course, it’s not killing the right people fast enough, but I digress. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons and evil evangelicals are all part of a death cult that would rather die and kill everyone else with them than live in a heterogeneous democracy where the “other” has the same rights as they do. There is no difference between the Taliban and American conservatives. None whatsoever. Welcome to stupid America. Another civil war is the only way out, unfortunately. Get ready, people!