It’s the Mirror, Stupid!

Of course, he f***ing did! Of! Course! From The Atlantic, “Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, ‘Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.’ In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as ‘suckers’ for getting killed. … There was no precedent in American politics for the expression of this sort of contempt, but the performatively patriotic Trump did no damage to his candidacy by attacking McCain in this manner. Nor did he set his campaign back by attacking the parents of Humayun Khan, an Army captain who was killed in Iraq in 2004. … The president did not serve in the military; he received a medical deferment from the draft during the Vietnam War because of the alleged presence of bone spurs in his feet. In the 1990s, Trump said his efforts to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases constituted his ‘personal Vietnam.’ … Trump has been, for the duration of his presidency, fixated on staging military parades, but only of a certain sort. In a 2018 White House planning meeting for such an event, Trump asked his staff not to include wounded veterans, on grounds that spectators would feel uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. ‘Nobody wants to see that,’ he said.”

I took particularly long quotes from the article because it is worth noting the utter hypocrisy and vileness of every single RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron. Every! Single! One! Without! Exception! They all own traitor trump, the draft-dodging, soldier-hating f***tard! They own the fact that they elected such a vile and hateful person to be president. But who the f*** am I kidding? No one cares! No one! The military still loves traitor trump enough to vote for him again even though he sees them as more window dressing and parade fodder than an American institution for national defense, national service, self-sacrifice, and duty. (Yeah, do not be confused about people disliking traitor trump and not voting for him; these two ideas are mutually exclusive! In fact, traitor trump is counting on people voting for him despite their dislike — and they will. Mark my words, morons!) To be sure, traitor trump thinks soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are expendable and those who died or were permanently injured in the service of the nation brought it on themselves (and, no doubt, deserved it). And all these anonymous sources — presumably military brass (generals and the like) that worked in traitor trump’s administration, as close as feet away from the Idiot-in-Chief — who remain quiet and off the record are just as vile as traitor trump! Now is the chance to further damage traitor trump before the election, for whatever amount of good it will do, by coming forward and speaking out, yet they remain silent because they still claim to respect the Office of the President even as the draft-dodger in the White House trashes the military and the office at every turn. If they (Kelly!) really respected the Office of the President of the United States then they (McMaster!) would be doing everything within their power to get rid of traitor trump, but they (Mattis!) won’t because they love the authoritarian in the White House. Salon sums it up nicely, “Right-wing pieties about flag, troops and country have often been a bunch of hot air meant to disguise what is really forceful opposition to what are supposed to be shared American values of freedom, justice and equality.” (It’s the mirror, stupid!) Pathetic “defenders” of America!

Whatever! I give up! I just f***ing give up. Of course, this idiot is going to get re-elected, especially on the notion that only he can lead and respect the military “like no other.” And people believe him. Of course, MAGA morons think he is the best thing for the military since sliced bread, and those on the fence don’t care. Amazing how the party that is supposed to stand for the military only becomes apoplectic when a Democrat doesn’t serve or “disrespects” the (entire) military by saluting an airman with a cup of coffee in his hand (Obama). I remember the end of the world uproar that caused among RepubliKKKlans. But as for traitor trump? Silence! I live in stupid f***ing America hell. It never ends. All stupid, all the time! Each day, every day. Get ready for four more years because nothing matters at this point. Americans are morons and America is the land of idiots. Sure! Let’s re-elect the draft-dodger. Why not? Morons of America elected him in the first place well aware that he dodged the draft. Well aware that he called POWs (McCain) losers! And well aware that he disparaged gold star families and those fallen in battle. All this was known, yet people voted for him anyway because he would be good for the military. I can’t wait for RepubliKKKlans to defend him on this matter because none dares criticize Dear Leader; and, in fact, some have already defended him as The Daily Beast reports, “‘The president means no disrespect to our troops; it’s just that the way he speaks, he can sound like an asshole sometimes,’ one of these sources, a current senior administration official, told The Daily Beast. ‘That’s how he is [when the cameras are off]… It’s his style.’” Yep! Traitor trump is just a f***ing a**hole, and Americans actually like that because I live in hell. Eh, why not? Americans think America is filled with a***holes, so why not have the president be one? Who really cares? Kill me now! And I can’t wait for traitor trump’s approval ratings to go up because nothing hurts this guy; he’s the a***hole everybody loves. He always bounces back! Every f***ing time! I live in a stupid hoax and conspiracy world hell. No one cares, as usual! Nothing matters anymore. It really doesn’t. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore! Welcome to trump stupid America!