
Jan 6 Insurrection Continues — at CPAC

Traitir trump was the headline speaker at CPAC. According to The Atlantic, “Former President Donald Trump gripped the CPAC lectern as he workshopped a new sales pitch: ‘I stand here today, and I’m the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent—and very easily—World War III.’ (Wild applause.) ‘And you’re gonna have World War III, by the way.’ (Confused applause.) … His language, by contrast, was bellicose. Tonight’s address was among the darkest speeches he has given since his ‘American carnage’ inaugural address. Trump warned that the United States is becoming ‘a nation in decline’ and a ‘crime-ridden, filthy communist nightmare.’ He spoke of an ‘epic battle’ against ‘sinister forces’ on the left. He repeatedly painted himself as a martyr, a tragic hero still hoping for redemption. ‘They’re not coming after me; they’re coming after you, and I’m just standing in their way,’ Trump told the room. He pulled out his best, half-hearted Patton: ‘We are going to finish what we started. We’re going to complete the mission. We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory.’ He was heavy on adjectives, devastating with nouns. ‘We will liberate America from these villains and scoundrels once and for all,’ he said.”

Do not be confused by or underestimate the power of traitor trump. Despite what many consider to be a lackluster and poorly attended CPAC, traitor trump still has the doom and gloom message that appeals to most — I repeat most — RepubliKKKlans. Indeed, traitor trump and all his supporters are still battling the rest of us a la January 6. This is the logical and continuing escalation of that fight and is the theme of the 2024 presidential election. And do not be led to think traitor trump has lost his mojo. That is just more 2016-thinking that will get him re-elected, and trust me when I say that the MSM and the RepubliKKKlan Party are utterly incapable of countering him — still. For in the end, when it becomes obvious that traitor trump is going to clench the nomination, then every RepubliKKKlan will come rushing back to him while claiming they never left his side and there was never any “daylight” between them. Recall McConnell said he would vote for traitor trump if he gets the nomination — after everything traitor trump has done to this nation. That’s all you need to know! If there were a time to abandon the traitor, then it would have been right after the January 6 insurrection, but that clearly did not happen. Did it? So, every RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook has been — always will be — fully invested in traitor trump because they love him. He is the grievance candidate for whom they have been waiting. Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming!