January 6 Sh*tshow Starts This Week

So! The January 6 Committee will begin public hearings this week to lay out their case to the public as to how and why Americans should take seriously the January 6 insurrection against the country. Democrats even plan to televise some hearings during prime time hours! Oooooh! I can’t wait for this captivating drama. I can’t wait! How’s my popcorn supply? Do I need to stock up to enjoy Democrats telling their story with pizzazz and gusto? I can’t wait for Democrats to entice a very eager and waiting-with-baited-breath public with the truth about how America’s government nearly failed 18 months ago. I can’t wait for the excitement and outrage that will rush over the citizenry as they learn just how close we came to the end of America’s democracy. To be sure, this is going to be most see T.V. Ummm! Not!

These public hearings are going to be a disaster! I predict the same big fail this time for dumbass Democrats as I did with the Mueller hearings. I correctly predicted the Mueller hearings would be an epic fail, and I’m doing the same now for the January 6 sh*tshow. I was right then — of course — I’m going to be right this time. Look, morons! One needs to ask and understand, What is the purpose of these hearings? What does the committee hope to accomplish? They are hoping that presenting a “cohesive” “narrative” with new “bombshell” revelations is going to make a difference. Well, I’m telling you right now that it won’t because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America!

I don’t know how many times I have to keep telling the f***tards out there, but Americans don’t care. Those on the right will never believe traitor trump did anything wrong, and those on the left already know the truth. The “gettable” middle is the target audience for the committee hearings. That “gettable” middle does not exist, idiots! Whoever these people Democrats think they can get are checked out and will not watch. They just don’t care. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times. America is simply too stupid and too apathetic to survive. Democracy takes work and a knowledgeable voter base. America has very little of either. On top of that, Americans have little desire to keep democracy. Welcome to stupid America. Not even this sh*tshow will be entertaining enough for the idiot masses.