Jesus-f***ing-Christ on the M*****f***ing Cross

From Axios, “Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg shot back at criticisms that he’s running a self-aggrandizing campaign for the Democratic nomination, telling Reuters in an interview: ‘Number one priority is to get rid of Donald Trump. I’m spending all my money to get rid of Trump.’” Apparently, he is the only f***ing person running for president that knows exactly what to say! While every other dumbass Democrat keeps arguing around this number one priority and with each other — un-f***ing-believable — Bloomberg is unambiguous about what he’s doing and what must happen! These dumbass Democrats that claim when they meet with people on the campaign trail voters are asking about health care and the environment and jobs and whatnot is all f***ing B.S. Any voter with two brain cells to rub together know that none of these subject matter if he or she cannot defeat traitor trump. F*** me! The only thing that should be coming out of the Democratic presidential candidate is how to defeat traitor trump. Can we just f***ing assume that any Democrat will be better for America than another four years of traitor trump? How f***ing difficult does this have to be? It should be how to defeat traitor trump every time, all the time — over and over again! Welcome to stupid America where dumbass Democrats just can’t seem to get it f***ing right!