Joe Rogan: Stupidity Opiate for the Masses

I don’t listen to Joe Rogan because he’s a comedian posing as a “thoughtful” “intellectual” “broadcaster” “obsessed” with “pursuing” an “alternative truth” of whatever the hot button issue of the day is. He’s one of those people just “asking questions.” I am very comfortable imagining what the rest of his show entails from clips that I’ve gleaned. But let’s face it; he’s a muscled-up racist pothead pretending to be a sophisticated broadcaster when in fact, he is the jejune pied piper seducing morons across America with his nonsense of “differing opinions” because his followers all “think” similarly — everything is an opinion to these people. To them, there is no such thing as truth and facts; everything is relative. Unfortunately, they don’t approach such questions in search of answers from genuinely profound philosophical introspection. No, no. These morons are too stupid for such deep thinking. Instead, they question truth and reality purely because of their anti-intellectualism. It’s just intellectually lazier for them to believe whatever is the opposite.

And it certainly doesn’t help that his show is getting noticed and attention from the likes of Patriot Front. While Rogan may be mocking them, it does not bode well for him, nonetheless, when tech journalists write that “Patriot Front had good reason to convince themselves the Rogan mention was a helpful’ shoutout,’ as one called it. The group relies on recruiting disaffected young men who, in the broadest terms, fall within Rogan’s massive demographic, and the leaked chats show the group’s leader, Thomas Ryan Rousseau, was ‘desperate’ for any opportunity to break out of a plateau in membership in the low 200s [emphasis added].” Joe Rogan just made himself a recruiting tool — in both senses of the word — for Neo-Nazis. Fan-f***ing-tastic. But actually, it is everything I would expect from a show like his.

Moreover, like Faux News, Rogan is another provocateur for the masses, who are addicted to the opiate of stupidity, (roid) outrage, and FOMO. (I stopped watching Faux News 20 years ago because it was idiotic back then, and it’s only proved worse now.) These viewers and fan base delight in anti-intellectualism because they know that they lack the requisite facilities to keep up with the rest of us. There is a reason why Rogan is so highly paid and basically commands Spotify programming, and there is a reason why Faux News has been the number one “news” cable channel for 25 years. It’s not because these people and platforms appeal to the high intellect of society. It’s because America is an idiocracy and has only been getting dumber since the onset of a Black man becoming president, traitor trump, and COVID. The popularity of Joe Rogan and Faux News is not a cause of our idiocracy; rather, it is the symptom. Welcome to stupid America!